Passionate. Purposed. Prepared.

Vision Baptist Missions, Inc. is dedicated to partnering with local churches to train and send missionaries worldwide. We envision a world where every person has heard the gospel, every community has an indigenous Baptist church, and every church has trained national leadership.

The Carey Project

Please pray for a special classroom project on the campus of Vision School of Missions that will triple our training capacity, allowing us to train up to 60 missionaries and Christian leaders.


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Missionaries (Current)

Professions of Faith (2023)

Believers Baptized (2023)

Pastors & Leaders Trained (2023)

Churches Started (2023)

2023 Global Impact Report

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Would you prayerfully consider supporting the worldwide effort to start churches and train leaders?

Our new VSM Catalog is here!

Find out all you will need to know about the missionary training department of Vision Baptist Missions.

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Join us for an upcoming event!

Whether a short-term mission trip around the world or one of our many exciting events right here on campus or near you, find out more about something you can get involved in!

Latest Articles

Satisfaction and Security

Satisfaction and Security

by Jeffrey Bush “The fear of the LORD tendeth to life: And he that hath it shall abide satisfied; He shall not be visited with evil.” — Proverbs 19:23 When you fear the Lord, the promise is twofold:  Satisfaction. Every human is looking to be...

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VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 6

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 6

We are the Hoopers - Blaine, Holly, Raya, and Lincoln. In 2019, the Lord placed a burden for world missions on our hearts. We fully surrendered our lives to Him and began to pray about where He would have us go. In 2021, He made it abundantly clear...

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