Serious Friendship Advice

Serious Friendship Advice

by Jeffrey Bush

A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)

This verse offers two encouraging thoughts concerning friendship: 

A friend that sticks closer than a brother. 

Humanly speaking we have friends that are close because of common interests, purpose, proximity, or commonalities. Those friends are closer than one’s own blood siblings. 

Spiritually speaking, a child of God has access to a friend that never sleeps nor slumbers; One Who is on call 24/7. The Holy Spirit, whom abides in each child of God, is greatest Comforter and Helper of all. The Lord Jesus Christ is the great mediator to the Father. The Heavenly Father never abandons, always loves, never fails, and is always reliable. You’re never alone with God on your side! 

To have friends, you must be friendly.

This is a proven principle from the One who made mankind. It seems so logical and simple, yet it’s often neglected, as if it’s a hidden secret for so many. If every person were to encourage others, help others, offer smiles and handshakes, and extend themselves, they would probably soon find they have more friends than the average person. This is a give-to-receive principle — give first and sow now in order to see the fruit later. Those who are always waiting for others to encourage, ask them how they are or welcome them in, will not have many friends, but those who are first to encourage, welcome others, and ask how they are doing will have many friends. The simple yet profound truth is be friendly and you’ll have friends. So here are a few practical steps for today: 

  1. Express friendship with your words. Find someone to compliment today. Be quick and be generous with your compliments. Whether you say in public, private, through a card, text, or email, use your words to express your friendship. 
  2. Express friendship with your hands. Help someone today. Open a door, offer to carry someone’s load, or just ask how you can give a hand with something they need. 
  3. Express friendship with your feet. Visit, take a gift, run an errand, or be available to take them somewhere. Obviously you can’t do this every day, but extending yourself when you can will be greatly appreciated by others.
A God-given Influence

A God-given Influence

by Jeffrey Bush

“Children’s children are the crown of old men; and the glory of children are their fathers.” — Proverbs 17:6

There is no clearer verse on the encouraging news of how a dad is irreplaceable for a kid. God created the need and desire for their dad within a child. A kid needs, wants, and loves his dad. Kids want to be like their dads and look up to their dads. I’ve read many books and articles that state a child is more likely to stay away from drugs, crime, and sexual misconduct if a dad is present and active in their life. Dads are essential in the lives of their children! God has placed it within a kid to look up to, to love, and even to mimic their dads. Dads don’t have to work at being cool. God has already reserved a free slot in a child’s heart for that position. What a privilege! But with that privilege comes a great responsibility. This position requires that dads be the right example to their kids. The best a dad can do is to point their kids to the God who will always be with them, give them eternal life, and offer them earthly satisfaction. A wise dad will use the God-given influence to point his children to Christ, both for salvation and a life used for God. 


Dads, we have some choices to make. Below are a few areas where we dads need to step up to our God-given influence: 

  1. Choose to Encourage Instead of Provoke Them.  

Ephesians 6:4 and Colossians 3:21 command us fathers not to provoke our children to anger. By commanding or demanding their good behavior while living in another light is one of the quickest ways we can provoke our children to anger. Live a life worth imitating. Live a life that encourages children to want to be like you instead of want to be the opposite of you. Live a life that encourages them to want to love Jesus, and love their future spouse. 

  1. Choose to Invest Time Instead of Avoid Time with Them. 

You are have a job, friends, goals, and things to get done. It may appear that your kid(s) stand in the way of what you need to accomplish, but don’t forget the One who gave you those kids. These small disciples are with you only for a few years before they fly away to live their own lives. Make good memories. Take time to drink fake tea out of plastic cups. Take time to swing those little ones or let them jump into your arms. Set the phone down, close the computer, look them in the eyes, and invest time… for those are the memories that matter in the very near future. 

  1. Choose to Show Them Instead of Tell Them.

Lessons, commands, or words are not enough. Kids will mimc who you are, not what you tell them to do. Do you want them to know a good work ethic? Do you want them to not be rude to others? Do you want them to love God? Do you want them to make wise decisions, be responsible, and thoughtful? Show them. Kids, and adults, for that matter, learn more by seeing instead of hearing. Make sure your feet (actions) line up with your mouth (words). Your kids will mimic who you are, not who you want to be, so live a life of example to those observant imitators God has purposefully placed in your life.



by Jeffrey Bush

“Turn us again, O God, and cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.” — Psalms 80:3

The face of God shining upon us is a term referred to three times in this specific Psalm, and multiple times throughout the Scriptures (Numbers 6:25; Psalm 31:16; Psalm 80:3, 7, 19; Psalm 67:1; Psalm 119:135; Daniel 9:17). God’s face shining represents God’s favor, presence, and blessing. We all need God’s favor, the question is do we desire it enough to recognize it? The result of God’s favor shining down is His salvation. Only He can give eternal salvation and only He can give temporal salvation from the troubles, afflictions, and pains of this world. All is vain unless God works. Man can help but only God can heal. Men trust in horses and chariots, but God is the true and constant deliverer. 

But allow me to draw your attention to the first part, “Turn us again” (vs. 3). Once again, they were asking for God’s help. Once again, they were in need of God. But this is not only an issue that Israel was guilty of, this is something each one of us need. We know we need God’s help, deliverance, favor, and blessing. We have seen God’s goodness but walk away in our stubbornness and obliviousness. We need His help again. We need His favor again. Our emotions, feelings, and feeble attempts have left us abandoned, and we once again need God. Recognize and realize that He is gracious to be called upon again. And again He will deliver.  

Continual Growth

Continual Growth

by Jeffrey Bush

As I was growing up, my pastor consistently repeated his favorite Bible verse from the pulpit. Since repetition is the mother of all learning, my pastor was very effective in causing the flock to meditate on the meaning of 1 Corinthians 15:58. The verse commands Christians to “always abound” in the work of the Lord. Continual growth should be part of a Christian’s life. Allow me to offer a few areas in which a child of God should be continually growing: 

1. Emotional Growth

According to Proverbs 16:32b, “he that ruleth his spirit (is better) than he that taketh a city.” To further validate the principle of controlling one’s spirit, Proverbs 25:28 says, “He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls.” The conclusion is that controlling one’s emotions strengthens an individual, whereas not controlling one’s emotions makes one vulnerable to attack and destruction. 

A child of God should master their emotions and not be mastered by them. Thank the Lord for feelings; we would be rather bland without them. However, though feelings are good, life should not be navigated by our feelings. A child of God walks by faith, not by sight or emotions. Sadness, anger, and weariness have their place, but they should be subject to the individual instead of controlling the individual. A child of God should strive to grow in their emotional life. 

2. Spiritual Growth

According to James 4:8, God’s Word says you should “Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.” And Jesus said in Matthew 5:6, “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.” Ask yourself the honest question, “Am I growing in my spiritual life?” God wants to draw nigh to you, and He will fill you. It lies on you to determine to grow in your spiritual walk with Him. 

3. Relational Growth

Growing in your relationships with others has much more to do with your efforts than it does with the efforts of others. According to Proverbs 18:24, “A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.” Do not wait for someone else to say hello, say thank you, smile, wave, or begin a conversation. Decide to take the initiative and be the first to reach out. Pray for others, love others, help others, and be kind to others. Grow in your relationships. 

    4. Academic Growth

    After King Solomon says it’s better to sharpen an axe than use brute strength, he says, “Wisdom is profitable to direct” (Ecclesiastes 10:10). Though you should be willing to work hard, you should also learn to work smarter. There are books people have written about how to succeed in any given area. There are podcasts, audio, lessons, and videos made to teach someone instead of learning by trial and error. You will not live long enough to make all the mistakes yourself, so be wise and grow in the areas of your life that are needed. Proverbs 1:5 teaches, “A wise man will hear, and will increase learning.” Whether you read, hear, watch, or speak to someone, you are determined to increase your learning. 

    It’s been said that insanity is trying the same thing repeatedly while expecting different results. Regardless of the area, growth is required if you desire improvement. You don’t have to plateau or stagnate in your life; you can decide to grow!

    Don’t Withhold

    Don’t Withhold

    by Jeffrey Bush

    There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty. The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself. He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it. (Proverbs 11:24-26)

    These verses are packed with both practical and gospel advice. We can withhold what we have, attempting to save up more, or we can give it away and watch God replenish. As the bottomless oil pot when the widow continued pouring into other pots, so is the person that continues giving… God just keeps filling the vessel. You can’t out-give God! 

    As a young child, I remember a missionary visiting our small church. As soon as church finished, my dad loaded our family into the van and we headed towards the house. We walked in the house and my dad began to open our cabinets and place groceries in a box and brown paper bags. My mom had recently been grocery shopping, so the majority of our groceries were still unopened. Dad pulled out my favorite sour-cream-and-onion chips, snacks, and bread. He then loaded us back into the family van and we drove to a spot where we met the missionary. I was very young and do not remember all that was said, but looking over the van seat I saw my dad open the trunk,  pick up the groceries, and hand them over to the missionary. There were a few nods, handshakes, smiles, and then my family was off again to the house. Many years have passed, and I don’t know who that missionary was or what my dad said, but that moment greatly impacted me. We didn’t have much money, but I can tell you that we never ran out of food. God gave back what my dad generously gave away. You can never out-give God! 

    Allow me to give you a few thoughts on why not to withhold: 

    Your Withholding Hurts You 

    “there is that withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to poverty.”

    When you withhold, it does the complete opposite of what you desire. Instead of filling your pocket, it burns a hole in your pocket. The Lord teaches that when you lose your life, you will find it. When you try to hold onto your time, your talent, and your treasure, you lose it instead of investing and enjoying it. God told the Israelites that their selfish withholding was placing their wages into a bag with holes (Haggai 1:6). Instead of tightly holding onto your possessions, release them into God’s hands to be multiplied for His use. 

    Your Giving Blesses Others

    “The liberal soul shall be made fat: and he that watereth shall be watered also himself.”

    God says it is better to give than to receive (Luke 6:38). Just as with the fish and bread, God can multiply and use your little for His glory. It’s the widow’s mite that God recognizes. It’s the lunch of the lad and the last cake of a widow woman that God seems to use in His work. Don’t worry about the amount, just concern yourself with being part of God’s great channel of blessing to those around you. All you have came from God, so place it back into God’s hand and see what He will do with it!

    Your Giving Affects Others

    “He that withholdeth corn, the people shall curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that selleth it.”

    When Mary broke the alabaster box, God said she would be remembered throughout the world. Her gift was not a waste, and it is written down to not be forgotten. What you do for God will not be forgotten either (Hebrews 6:10). When you give to others, that specific person is blessed, God is blessed, you are blessed, and all those around you are blessed.

    Grateful People are Great People

    Grateful People are Great People

    Gratefulness is a command from God. I Thessalonians 5:18 says it is God’s will to give thanks in everything. According to Philippians 4:6 and Psalm 100:4, we are to pray with thanksgiving. God‘s children should be grateful people! Whereas whining and complaining are music to the devil’s ears, praise is a sweet sound to the ears of our Savior. If you want to really gut punch the devil, then start praising the Lord. If you want to stop anxiety in your life, lower your stress, be a happier person, and become a thankful person, then start thanking the Lord . When you are grateful for what God has done in your life, you will begin noticing God do more in your life. 

    Be grateful by counting your blessings. 

    When was the last time you thanked God for how good He is to you? Stop focusing on your problems and begin looking at your blessings. 

    Be grateful by expressing your gratitude. 

    Make a list of three people you can thank in the next couple of days. Maybe it’s friends, parents, siblings, pastors, teachers, neighbors, people encouraging you, or people praying for you. Express your gratitude through a text, a letter, a phone call, or telling them in person. Let them know specifically how grateful you are for their lives.

    Be grateful by writing thank you cards. 

    Thank you cards seem to be a lost art from the past, but they are a powerful encouragement that can still be used today. Make a goal of writing three to five thank you cards within the next week. 

    Be grateful by serving others.

    Be a channel of blessing with your words, influence, means, and actions. Every individual has the power to encourage someone with their words and actions. Choose to encourage others. Give a helping hand. Smile. Don’t withhold compliments. God has been good to you, so be kind to others.