VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 6

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 6

Welcome Hoopers, the Newest VBM Missionaries

We are the Hoopers – Blaine, Holly, Raya, and Lincoln. In 2019, the Lord placed a burden for world missions on our hearts. We fully surrendered our lives to Him and began to pray about where He would have us go. In 2021, He made it abundantly clear that we are to serve the beautiful people of South Africa. We are humbled that God has called our family and excited to be part of the VBM family!

Help VSM Train More Missionaries!

The Lord has sent $36,000 for the Carey Center Educational Wing. Praise the Lord!!

We currently have about 14.6% of the $246,000 we need.

If you would like to find out more about the Carey Project, follow this link: https://visionmissions.com/carey-center-project/

We are excited about a new event at VBM that will take place March 27-28. Here’s a quick idea of what it will be: 

  • Wednesday (the 26th, for early arrivals), we will join Vision Baptist Church for the midweek service, followed by pizza and fellowship.
  • Thursday morning, visitors will see classes and our training program.
  • Thursday afternoon, we will host the PAC meeting.
  • Thursday evening, we will hold the Missions Rally, a time of preaching, fellowship with veteran missionaries, food (of course), and fun activities together.
  • Friday morning, we will hear from guest speaker Bryan Stensaas (former director and missionary to Spain and Uganda).

We plan to go big! We are praying for many visitors and groups to attend and participate. If you are high school or college age, please consider joining us! If you are a pastor or youth pastor, we would love to have any young ministry leader join us as well. This event is an excellent opportunity for young adults to be encouraged about the cause of Christ and experience a unique training opportunity for missions and ministry.

News From the VBM Campus

Grateful to Pastor Beau Carpenter for preaching VSM chapel last week.

We held a relaunch meeting for Chase and Ashley Southard. They have purchased tickets to leave February 20th. Grateful God provided them with some medical answers to help Ashley. 

News From the VBM Missionary Team

From Graham and Olivia Young in Nigeria | We loved hosting Kaleb on his two-week mission trip! With a heart for children’s ministry, he visited orphanages, shared the gospel, and helped start two new Bible clubs—one hosted at the chief’s house! Pray for these clubs to reach entire families. 

Urgent Need: Hausa Bible College Roof Our Bible College roof is deteriorating and needs $3,000 in repairs before the rainy season. Please pray and consider giving to equip leaders for one of the world’s most persecuted regions.


Thank you for your prayers and support! You are making an eternal impact in Nigeria.


From Stephen and Leslie Carrier in Chile | One month into 2025, and we are amazed at all God is doing in Chile! 


  • Teresa’s salvation – God is drawing people to Himself!
  • Our first men’s event was a blessing with eight men learning about spiritual leadership and building friendships.
  • Thursday night Bible study is growing!

Prayer Requests:

  • That many will come to know Christ at Joy Baptist Church.
  • Our first couples’ meeting is this month—pray it will be a time of spiritual growth!

Exciting updates:

Seeing friendships form in the church has been so encouraging! Leslie shared that it finally feels like a close church family.

Ely, a new visitor, felt so welcomed by our church members and has been faithfully attending since.

Three young ladies attended youth camp, including a 13-year-old girl struggling with loss. God spoke to her heart in a powerful way!

Above all, we rejoice that Teresa placed her trust in Christ for salvation! The Word of God is changing lives here. Thank you for your prayers and support! God bless!

From Courtney Mathos in Bolivia | Wow—January flew by in a flash! The year started with a special trip back to North Carolina for my little brother’s wedding. Praying that God blesses their new journey together as they serve in their home church. 

Back in Bolivia, we had an incredible youth camp with the theme “Going Against the Current.”  A guest pastor from Peru and his youth group joined us for a powerful week of games, food, and preaching. Please keep the youth in your prayers—especially those who made decisions for Christ! 

We’ve also been blessed with new children regularly attending our Sunday classes!  Pray that they come to know Christ as their Savior and that God continues to work in their hearts. 

Looking ahead to February:

We’re hosting a Back to School night at our Wednesday Kid’s Club, offering free school supplies and sharing the Gospel. Pray that the children and their families are receptive and return to church! 

We’re also starting a special class in Chiquicollo for those interested in serving in children’s ministry. Please pray that God calls people to step up and serve!

Find an event that is right for you!

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

Join Us For the 4th Annual VBM Golf Tournament!

Our 4th annual golf tournament plans are under way!! April 29 is going to be great. You can find out more HERE

Missionary Kid Dinner

Last week, we enjoyed another good time of food, fellowship, and fun with our missionary kids. We ate together, played games, and then divided for devotional time.

Missions Class

Because we are redoing the gym floor, we crammed into a smaller class last Friday. Bro. Warren Frick taught, and it was an enjoyable time. If you are in the area on a Friday, please feel free to come by the campus and join us.

New Gym Floor

The gym floor in the William Carey Center is halfway finished. Once completed, it will be painted and look sharp. God is allowing us to see much improvement!

New Season of the Mission Post Podcast Starts Today!

A new season kicks off today! Join us on the Mission Post Podcast for all things missions, including subjects like church planting, family, cross-cultural ministry, and personal growth.

To find out more about how you can become a missionary, click here: https://visionmissions.com/

For more content about missions and ministry, subscribe to our YouTube Channel or find us on Apple Podcast, Spotify, or https://rss.com/podcasts/missionpost/

Thankful for Dr. Jim and Mrs. Sandy Roberts! We recorded three new podcasts with them discussing “longevity in ministry” and “discouragement.” Wow, I was so challenged and helped by listening to how God has taught and used the Roberts in ups and downs of life and ministry. You will be greatly helped hearing these podcasts! #MissionPost

Help VSM Train More Missionaries!

On Sunday night, VBC voted to give $3,000 to the Carey Center project. Praise the Lord! We are now at $36k raised! With $3k more, we will begin the first phase, which is to place pillars in the ground to ensure the foundation will be fixed. God is good! 

If you would like to find out more about the Carey Project, follow this link: https://visionmissions.com/carey-center-project/

News from our Missionary Team!

The Blooms in Ecuador are praising the Lord for great year of growth and blessing in the ministry. Click here to find out more: https://reachingecuador.com/​

Congratulations to the Becker Family!

“God has blessed us with our third daughter, arriving in late May or early June! We are beyond grateful for this precious gift.”

For more from the Beckers, click here: https://heisglorified.blog/2025/01/29/january-missions-update-4/

Church Building Ready for Church Services!

From the Rishel’s in Burkina Faso, “The Lord provided the funds to put the roof on the new church. They have finished the roof and are preparing the building for the Sunday service. Thanks so much to those who gave to help with this building.

And then…

“This past Sunday, we celebrated God’s goodness as we dedicated the new church building in Pala! We rejoice in God’s faithful provision, and we’re excited to see what He has planned for the future.

For more about their ministry, click here: https://www.facebook.com/jason.rishel

Find an event that is right for you!

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 4

We are excited about a new event at VBM that will take place March 27-28. Here’s a quick idea of what it will be: 

  • Wednesday (the 26th, for early arrivals), we will join Vision Baptist Church for the midweek service, followed by pizza and fellowship.
  • Thursday morning, visitors will see classes and our training program.
  • Thursday afternoon, we will host the PAC meeting.
  • Thursday evening, we will hold the Missions Rally, a time of preaching, fellowship with veteran missionaries, food (of course), and fun activities together.
  • Friday morning, we will hear from guest speaker Bryan Stensaas (former director and missionary to Spain and Uganda).

We plan to go big! We are praying for many visitors and groups to attend and participate. If you are high school or college age, please consider joining us! If you are a pastor or youth pastor, we would love to have any young ministry leader join us as well. This event is an excellent opportunity for young adults to be encouraged about the cause of Christ and experience a unique training opportunity for missions and ministry.

VSM Class Back In Session!

What a joy to have students back, new teachers teaching, and life on campus! We have much to rejoice about.

First Chapel Service

Ty Pepperdine does a great job making sure each of the students are on a rotation for song leading, country of the week, 5-minute preaching, and coordinating the services. It is great experience for their future ministry. 

VSM Orientation

We held an orientation for the new semester with faculty and students. I praise the Lord for the students God has sent, great teachers this semester, and closing prayer for God’s blessing and guiding hand. We are blessed to serve the Lord!

Snow on Campus!!!

God sent us a beautiful snow day on Friday of our first week! A winter wonderland.

News from our Missionary Team!

Joy Wahl arrived safely to South Africa. Grateful when a missionary finishes deputation, and when an other fellow missionaries are able to receive them. Thanks Tristan. 

Another Sendoff

Travis, Ty, and myself (Jeffrey Bush) were privileged to attend and participate in Madison Brown’s sendoff service. Kevin Hall preached, and her church gave her an offering and made it a special day. Madison’s home church (Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church) is the same church that Stephen and Leslie Carrier and Victoria Turner are from. Praise the Lord for churches that send missionaries! 

Kevin & Corli Hall And Family, Back in the States

We enjoyed a good re-entry meeting with Kevin & Corli Hall. They are also teaching at VSM this semester, for which we are very grateful!

Help VSM Train More Missionaries!

The Lord has sent $32,744 for the Carey Center Educational Wing. Praise the Lord!!

One of our good friends, Dr. TJ Gabriel, donated $100 toward the Carey Project! Thank you, TJ! We currently have about 13% of the $246,000 we need. If another 2000 people gave $100, that would almost complete this project! Would you prayerfully consider joining TJ with a $100 donation? Your gift will help Vision School of Missions triple its training capacity.

If you would like to find out more about the Carey Project, follow this link: https://visionmissions.com/carey-center-project/

Find an event that is right for you!

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 2

New Pastoral Advisory Committee Members

We are excited to have three new pastors join us on our Pastor Advisory Committee for 2025. We are grateful for their wisdom and advice.

The Pastoral Advisory Committee is a group of Independent Baptist pastors who counsel and encourage the President and Executive Team of Vision Baptist Missions as they develop and execute the policies and procedures of Vision Baptist Missions.

For more about our Pastoral Advisory Committee, click here.

Scroll down the page to find the section called “Pastoral Advisory Committee.”

Daniel Crisman
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Quarryville, PA

Ryan Hayden
Bible Baptist Church
Matoon, IL

David Teis
Liberty Baptist Church
Las Vegas, NV

News from the VBM Missionary Team!

Congratulations to Robbie Prater for baptizing a young man last Sunday in Argentina! 

The teen and junior camps were a great success at Camp Rhino in South Africa with the Coffey and Hall families. Over 30 young people made a decision to trust Christ as their Savior! Praise the Lord for all he is doing there.

December is a busy month for the VBM Office Staff. We send out prayer letters and receipts. We are super thankful for all they do to help keep our missionaries connected to supporters.

Carey Center Project to Provide More Classrooms!

When God permits and finances come in, we plan to fix the foundation in the Carey Center, which will allow us to complete the “forever” classrooms. The gray is what is completely built, and the white area is what will be changed.

The Lord has sent 13% of the need amount for the Carey Center Educational Wing. Praise the Lord!!

Click here if you would like to help with the project.

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 1

2025 - Another Year to Serve the Lord!

As we consider the Christmas gifts exchanged this season, we are reminded that all good things come first from the Lord. The Lord has given us another gift: a new year to serve Him.

Big Dates on the VBM Calendar

The calendar is full! Here are some dates for this year.

  1. VSM Spring Semester Starts – January 7, 2025
  2. Youth For the Gospel, Toccoa, GA – March 15, 2025
  3. VSM Open House – March 26-28, 2025
  4. 4th Annual VBM Golf Tournament – April 29, 2025
  5. VSM Graduation – May 2, 2025
  6. VSM Spring Semester Ends – May 9, 2025
  7. World’s Cheapest Mission Trip #1 – June 10-13, 2025
  8. World’s Cheapest Mission Trip #2 – July 22-25, 2025
  9. Youth For the Gospel, Central SC – August 23, 2025
  10. Youth For the Gospel, Bronx, NY – September 27, 2025
  11. VSM Open House – November 19-21, 2025


Join us for one of these events in 2025!

News from the VBM Missionary Team!

We held a launch meeting with Joy Wahl as she prepares to leave for South Africa next Monday. Her deputation flew by, and we are excited God has opened the doors for her soon departure.

The Blooms in Ecuador are praising the Lord for a blessed year in the ministry. Praise the Lord for all He is doing in Ecuador!

The Lord blessed the Christmas concert hosted by the Miyashita’s church in Nagoya, Japan. Many VBM missionaries hosted various Christmas events. It is an excellent time of year for outreach all over the world.

Upcoming Mission Class Guest Speakers

Yes! One more list, but we would love for you to join us for a Friday Mission Class when you are in the area. Mission Class is a great way to experience the Vision School of Missions in an open class environment. Below is the list of Mission Classes beginning next week—every Friday at 9 a.m. You can join us and stay for the meal and good fellowship with colaborers and future missionaries!

  • January 10 — Josh Barton & Andrew Garcia
  • January 17 — John Walz
  • January 24 — Warren Frick
  • January 31 — Creative Access Missionary & Tim Johnson
  • February 7 — Shawn Bateman & Andrew Garcia
  • February 14 — Dennis Blankenship
  • February 21 — John Walz
  • February 28 — Wayne Cofield
  • March 7 — Shawn Bateman
  • March 14 — Creative Access Missionary
  • March 21 — Travis Snode, Ty Pepperdine, & Jeff Bush
  • March 28 — Bryan Stensaas/Open House
  • April 4 — Shawn Bateman & Creative Access Missionary
  • April 25 — Jason Holt & Tim Johnson
  • May 2 — Creative Access Missionary (Last class of the semester)

For more information about Vision School of Missions, click here.


VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 5

VBM Update From the Homebase – Week 51

End of a Blessed Year, and Looking forward to a New Year!

What a great year 2024 has been! Praise the Lord for all that He has done! We look forward to a new year to plan and look for all the Lord will do through VBM to train and send more missionaries.

Planning for 2025

In preparation for next semester (January 7th), the academic team met to discuss goals, objectives, and plans to make Vision School of Missions a great place for missionary training. 

It is rare that we get to meet with the entire executive team to prepare, plan, and pray for God to use the wonderful missionaries at Vision Baptist Missions.

Returning to the Field

We held a relaunch meeting with Kyle and Hannah Shreve as they prepare to return to Chile on December 30th. Praying for a safe return, and much fruit for their labor!

We held a launch meeting with Madison Brown. She has finished deputation and will be leaving for South Africa on January 20th! 

Carey Center Project to Provide More Classrooms!

When God permits and finances come in, we plan to fix the foundation in the Carey Center, which will allow us to complete the “forever” classrooms. The gray is what is completely built, and the white area is what will be changed.

Click here if you would like to help with the project.

World's Cheapest Missions Trips for 2025!

The World’s Cheapest Mission Trip is a four-day, all-inclusive event! For only $200, you will:

    ♦ Interact personally with missionaries from all over the world
    ♦ Engage with people from many different religions
    ♦ See mosques, temples, and cathedrals

    ♦ Get involved in challenges that stretch your faith
    ♦ Connect with others with a passion for God
    ♦ Learn practical steps for ministry

    This trip is for teenagers, young adults, and sponsors who have a desire to gain a greater burden for evangelism and missions and get involved in sharing the gospel with all people. We will unashamedly promote surrendering your life to get involved in world evangelism through going and sending.

    Youth For the Gospel Event in 2025

    The Youth for the Gospel Events schedule is filling up for 2025! Click here for more information about Y4TG events.

    Join us, bring a group, or host an event at your church.

    Here are some dates for this year (stay tuned for more dates):

    • March 15 – Toccoa, Georgia
    • August 23 – Norris, South Carolina
    • September 27 – Bronx, New York