by Jeffrey Bush

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. — Proverbs 17:22

Your thoughts/focus can determine your health. Seems crazy, right? But, according to the wisest man on earth, Solomon, a happy heart is like medicine whereas a sad or broken spirit brings painful, dried-out bones. 

Stress, worry, anger, and sadness are a few of the emotions that lead to a broken spirit, and that broken spirit dries the bones. The bone structure is what holds up the body, yet the broken spirit appears to cripple the body (physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally). When your spirit is cast down, it takes a toll on the body. The smile is wiped away, shoulders slump, eyes look down, and the body language suggests defeat. 

If you look to God and how good He has been to you, it’s like an immunity booster that keeps you on the right track. If you focus on your struggles and problems around you, you’ll begin to feel the pain of your bones drying. Fix your focus and attitude, and according to this verse, it takes care of a big portion of your health. 

The psalmist is quick to say that it is God that makes one glad (Psalm 92:4). The Apostle Paul reminds us to rejoice in the Lord always (Philippians 4:4). And the Psalmist teaches that in God’s presence there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore (Psalms 16:11). Your focus affects your health. Fix your focus and it’ll be one of the greatest medicines offered in this world. The Spirit of God that made the spirit of man has the answer for your satisfaction, and it appears to be connected to your focus. Know God, grow in God, and focus on God, and your health will thank you for it!