The following is an exert from chapter 11 of the book Missionary Guidebook For Ladies by Mindy Bush


Not every field of service will have a nursery, but for the most part, it is beneficial to start nursery as soon as you start having families with young children coming. If possible, put up a monitor in the nursery, so the workers can still watch and listen to the service. There are many ways to organize a nursery but one way is to copy whatever is being done in the daycares in your country. You want people to feel comfortable leaving their babies. In Argentina, we actually used the word “daycare” in Spanish for the nursery. It just made sense to them as new believers and helped them to realize that their child would be just as safe in our “daycare” as the ones in their city.

Children’s Ministry 

This is another important ministry! If you want adults to be able to listen and your husband to be able to preach without too much distraction, start children’s classes. I taught our first Sunday school with a baby on my hip and children that ranged from ages 2-12 years old. It’s hard and chaotic at times, but it will force you to pray for help! There are many good books written to help you learn to be a great children’s teacher. I would encourage you to study and learn as much as you can even before you get to the field. Bible games at the end of the lesson will motivate them to listen so they can participate in the fun games. Competitions for faithful attendance can help bring the whole family back each week. When the children sing a special in church, encourage them to invite their family members to come watch them. You will be amazed at how many people want to see their niece, nephew, or grandchild get up to sing in a children’s choir.