Missionary Directory


Josh & Morgan Barton
Church Planting Missionaries to Mozambique

Dallas & Ashley Brown
Church Planting Missionaries to Burkina Faso

Madison Brown
Helps Missionary to South Africa

Jacob & Christen Clower
Church Planting Missionaries to Mozambique

Mark & Amy Coffey
VBM Africa Field Director; Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Kevin & Corli Hall
Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Jeremy & Rebekah Hall
Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Blaine & Holly Hooper
Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Tim & Jessica Johnson
Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Noah Haught
Helps Missionary to South Africa

Jason & Charity Rishel
Church Planting Missionaries to Burkina Faso

Chase & Ashley Southard
Church Planting Missionaries to South Africa

Michael & Victoria Turner
Church Planting Missionaries in West Africa

Joy Wahl
Helps Missionary to South Africa

Nate & Emily Wilkerson
Church Planting Missionaries to West Africa

Noah & Tristan Wilkerson
Church Planting Missionaries to Mozambique

Graham & Olivia Young
Church Planting Missionaries to Nigeria
Why Africa?
Stories of death and murder are not an unusual thing in this vast continent. Families are torn apart about because of sin, war, sickness, and death. It’s not unusual at all for a child born in Africa to grow up without one of his parents and many times without any parent in his life.
We need more laborers willing to come share the bondage-freeing message of Jesus to the millions of others who don’t know about Him.
With the majority of countries having full access to preach the Gospel, the question “Why not Africa?” Needs to be contemplated!


Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia

Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia

James & Rosie Miyashita
Church Planting Missionaries to Japan

Adam & Ashley Walz
Church Planting Missionaries to Taiwan

John & Alisha Walz
Church Planting Missionaries to Taiwan

Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia

Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia

Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia

Creative Access Missionary
Church Planting Missionaries to Asia
Why Asia?
Asia is home to some of the most beautiful geography, architecture, and cultural splendors globally. Inside the majestic borders that make up the continent lives the vast majority of devout followers of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.
60% of the world’s population lives on this one continent, yet it is the least evangelized and has the least amount of active Christian workers. Jesus died for the whole world on this very continent, yet it is the least reached?
There is a great need in this spiritually dark landmass! The voices of deception through false religions and atheism are prevalent. What are we as the church going to do? Will you pray for Asia? Will you go and take the gospel? Will you give so others might go?


Dustin & Ashley Brown
Church Planting Missionaries to Turkey

Benjamin & Patricia Broyles
Church Planting Missionaries to the Balkans

Sam & Beth Quinn
Church Planting Missionaries to the United Kingdom

Brady & Sarah Van Winkle
Church Planting Missionaries to Turkey
Why Europe?
Estimates of the number of Christians in Europe can greatly vary depending on how you define a “Christian.” Operation World estimates that only about 2.5% of the population of Europe are evangelical Christians which according to them is the lowest percentage of all the continents. Sadly, not only are there many false religions in Europe but secularism is quite entrenched and Islam is on the rise. By 2030, 8% of people in Europe are expected to be Muslims.
Because of the misconceptions and challenges, must negativity has developed about mission work in Europe. It is most certainly not an easy place, but there are many opportunities for those who come with the right training and the right mentality. There are many places across the continent where God is at work and doors are open.

Latin America

Shawn & Emily Bateman
Church Planting Missionaries to Argentina

Robert & Emma Becker
Church Planting Missionaries to Argentina

Kason & Bethany Bloom
Church Planting Missionaries to Ecuador

Stephen & Leslie Carrier
Church Planting Missionaries to Chile

Tyler & Brianna Chandler
Church Planting Missionaries to Brazil

Andrew & Amber Garcia
Church Planting Missionaries to Honduras

Lauren Grant
Helps Missionary to Peru

Jason & Lori Holt
VBM Latin America Field Director; Church Planting Missionaries to Chile

Chestley & Yessica Howell
Church Planting Missionaries to Colombia

Courtney Mathos
Helps Missionary to Bolivia

Josh & Allie Miller
Church Planting Missionaries to Peru

Mitch & Jaqulyn McCormack
Church Planting Missionaries to Peru

Miguel & Liz Murillo
Church Planting Missionaries to Peru

Tracy Paver
Helps Missionary to Chile

Robbie & Lauren Prater
Church Planting Missionaries to Paraguay

Miguel & Mariangela Sanabria
Church Planting Missionaries to Colombia

Kyle & Hannah Shreve
Church Planting Missionaries to Chile

Kevin & Beth White
VBM Latin America Assistant Field Director; Church Planting Missionaries to Bolivia
Why Latin America?
Why should you choose Latin America? Or why did Latin America choose you? The main reason missionaries choose Latin America, or why anyone should consider it, comes down to a tension between two seemingly opposing truths, God’s calling versus human logic.
So, on the one hand, there can really be a feeling on a missionary that it is God’s calling and leading in their life to go to Latin America. On the other, it seems like such a logical choice; some would find it hard to pick anywhere else. If you feel a desire and calling for Latin America, then by all means, follow it. If you feel a calling and leading to somewhere else, no one is going to stand in the way of your following God’s will for your life.
But if you just feel called or desirous of serving as a foreign missionary, and aren’t sure where to go or where to start, consider Latin America – the most logical choice.

North America

Bloom Family
Church Planting Missionaries to the Chinese People (Serving in New York City)

Jon & Amber Canavan
Church Planting Missionaries to New York City
Why North America?
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North America