Representing VBM and World Evangelism!

Jeff is in Pigeon Forge, TN, representing VBM at the Arise Youth Conference. There are over 5,000 youth registered, not counting youth pastors and other adults. It is by far the largest youth event we have seen. Last week, Travis attended a Pastor’s Conference in Ohio with over 50 pastors present and was able to set up a display for VBM and teach a session.

Great Trip to Bolivia!

From Jeff:

I was privileged to visit Bolivia last week. What a wonderful ministry the Lord is doing there. I chose this picture to show the hard work of the missionaries. Beth is on the piano, Kevin is playing a guitar, Courtney is singing, and Anna Austin (doing half of her internship this summer) is also singing. What a team! I was honored and humbled to see the good work!

Nate Tannahill Returned from His Internship

The training center administration held a Reentry Meeting for Nate Tannahill. He just returned from Peru for his 6-month internship. We are excited to see how God was able to use him there is Peru.


The Rishel Family Returns to Burkina Faso!

The Rishel’s returned to Burkina Faso after their furlough. We praise the Lord for the work God has used them to do, and the plans for this new term!

Furnishing the New Guys' Dorm!

We are inaugurating a new men’s dorm on campus this fall! We are sending this list out, and would like to let you see it as well. We have completed the building and are now furnishing it and preparing for the fall semester starting in August! If you’d like to help, here is the LIST

WCMT #3 is NEXT Week

Join us for the World’s Cheapest Mission Trip Next Week! Click here for more information.

Missionary Highlight

This section is so you can learn more about (or be reminded of) VBM missionaries serving around the world. We will be working in alphabetical order, and the next missionary is A & L, who serve in a Creative Access Country.

A’s Testimony

    I heard the gospel growing up, but it wasn’t until I reached high school that I started thinking seriously about life and eternity. Around that time, I started reading my Bible, and my parents began attending a church where the pastor preached a strong gospel message. The Holy Spirit started working on me, and I realized that I had only two choices: give my whole life to Christ or keep going my own way. One evening in my room, I prayed and gave my heart to the Lord, asking him to forgive my sin and do whatever he wanted with my life. Shortly after, I followed the Lord in baptism. 

    It was also around that time that I surrendered to serve the Lord full-time, but I didn’t know what the Lord would have me do. It wasn’t until I started working my first job out of college that I started praying that the Lord would put me where I could serve Him full-time; I even asked him to send me to China if that was where he wanted me to go. It wasn’t, but a few months after that, I quit my job and went back to school to learn Chinese. A year later, the Lord sent me to China, where I studied the language and taught English. There, I met my wife, and through a struggle to find a healthy church, we prayed, and the Lord led us to meet a missionary family serving in northeast China. We served with them for about two years before the Lord called us to serve as full-time missionaries. 

L’s Testimony

    I grew up in a Buddhist family. For this reason, I also was a Buddhist, and it had a strong influence over me. At 28, I became very sick and depressed, and I had hallucinations and heard voices telling me to kill myself. I was in such bad condition that I could not work, and my family had to take care of me. My family was at a very low point. One day a relative came to our house and told us about Jesus. My mother believed, but I did not. Later I also trusted Jesus, and He healed me of my sickness and depression. Now we are missionaries telling people about Jesus. Jesus saved me and He can save other people.