Fantastic Time at the VSM Open House!
Guest speaker Dr. J.B. Godfrey taught Friday Mission Class, and we had several young people come to visit Vision School of Missions. We were so blessed to have so many visitors on campus. Pray that the Lord will use our time together to make a difference for the cause of Christ.

Guest Teacher In VSM, Dennis Blankenship
God gave us a great time with Dennis Blankenship last week as he taught in the School of Missions as well as taught Missions class on Friday. His topic for the week with the students, as well as for Missions Class, “Dealing with Depression.” Very helpful. The notes and audio are below.

We recorded a podcast with Dennis Blankenship about Depression. Don’t forget to subscribe, and to give a 5-star review of the Mission Post podcast. Thank you!

Next Semester Courses

We held a Vision School of Missions administration meeting to finalize the courses for next semester. We have improved greatly in this area (special thanks to our Academic Dean, TJ Gabriel), and each class has a syllabus, Master syllabus, description, and laid out plan. Our students are truly getting a great missionary education. The courses that will be offered at VSM this spring are:
• Discipleship with Mark Coffey
• History of Missions with Josh Ewing
• Homiletics I with Kevin Hall
• Homiletics II with Jim Roberts, III
• Teaching the Bible II with Corli Hall
• Old Testament Historical Books with Ty Pepperdine
• Pauline Epistles I with John Pearson
• Pauline Epistles II with Jeffrey Bush
• Spiritual Leadership with Jeffrey Bush
• Biblical Womanhood with Amy Coffey
• Biblical Counseling with David Dipboye
• Theology II with Travis Snode
• Missions Class with Various Missionaries
Missions Classes at VSM

Below is a list of the teachers and classes for the rest of this fall. We would love to have you join us on Fridays at 9am if you are in the area!
- November 29 — Thanksgiving Break
- December 6 — Jordan Gazaway, veteran missionary in India
- December 13 — John Walz, Shawn Bateman & Josh Barton
We also offer lunch after missions classes. We encourage you to stay and fellowship with our student body!
Carey Center Project to Provide More Classrooms!

When God permits and finances come in, we plan to fix the foundation in the Carey Center, which will allow us to complete the “forever” classrooms. The gray is what is completely built, and the white area is what will be changed.
Click here if you would like to help with the project.
One Year Anniversary!

Congratulations to Mitch & Jacqulyn McCormack on a great 1-year anniversary at the church!
World’s Cheapest Missions Trips for 2025!

The World’s Cheapest Mission Trip is a four-day, all-inclusive event! For only $200, you will:
♦ Interact personally with missionaries from all over the world
♦ Engage with people from many different religions
♦ See mosques, temples, and cathedrals
♦ Get involved in challenges that stretch your faith
♦ Connect with others with a passion for God
♦ Learn practical steps for ministry
This trip is for teenagers, young adults, and sponsors who have a desire to gain a greater burden for evangelism and missions and get involved in sharing the gospel with all people. We will unashamedly promote surrendering your life to get involved in world evangelism through going and sending.
Youth For the Gospel Events!

Are you planning for 2025? Consider hosting or join us for one of our Youth For the Gospel events. Check out this link for more information.